Many homeowners in the Downriver area are still cleaning up their basements from the May 1st storm. I have had quite a few clients reach out to me to find out what to do. The most effected Downriver cities were Allen Park, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Lincoln Park, Southgate and Taylor.
Each city is handling their damage claim different so I went to each city hall to find out what was being done.
Allen Park
The city of Allen Park have their own city claim form you can get the form from city hall or click here to download.
Forms are due to the City Administrators Office by June 15th.
The City of Dearborn is accepting both Wayne County claim forms and their own city damage report forms.
No specific deadline as of yet.
Dearborn Heights
The city of Dearborn Heights is collecting homeowner information to pass onto the state. To report damages you just have to call the Mayor’s Office by June 15th.
Call (313) 943-2300 to report your damages
Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park has their own claim report that you can download here or fill out online by clicking this link.
Deadline June 15th.
Southgate also has the Wayne County claims forms which they will be collecting at their Department of Public Works located at:
14719 Schafer Ct. Southgate, MI 48195
The city of Taylor was collecting Wayne County forms until Friday May 10th, 2019. I have been in touch with Wayne County’s department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management department and they have told me that they are accepting claim forms until June 15th.
Get your Wayne County claim form here
Call Samer Jaafar (734) 942-5289 for more information.
Wayne County
Wayne County is still collecting information about homes that were affected by the flood. They told me that the city deadlines for this particular storm is June 15th when they will be passing the information on to FEMA. They expect about 2-3 weeks after that for a response.
If this helped you out or you would like more information, please let me know in the comments below!
Thank you,
Demian Allgeyer