- Make sure you are only allowing qualified buyers to enter your home! They should be able to produce for you a copy of their approval letter or proof of funds. If they are unable to, I can refer you to a couple reputable loan officer’s who would be willing to screen them for you.
- Never let anyone in your home without an appointment. When you put your home up for sale Downriver, it is almost inevitable that you will receive a knock on your door from a pushy potential buyer or REALTOR. If they are truly interested in your home, they should have no problem waiting a few hours or a day to see your property at your convenience.
- Store collectables and valuables out of sight from potential buyers. Anything that can fit into a pocket is a potential risk for theft. Make sure that you keep jewelry, collectables and other valuables s stored away while showing your home.
- Hide or remove any medications you have in your house. Medications have become a big target for theft because they are easy to conceal and some prescriptions are valuable to sell on the street.
- Depersonalize your home. This is a good idea for safety and to promote the sale of your home. There are certain things strangers should not know about you, like your favorite hang out or where your children go to school! From a sales perspective, you want potential buyers to visualize themselves and their family in the home, not yours.
- Ask agents who are showing your house for their 10 digit agent ID number. REALTORS use this number all the time, so they should be able to provide you with this right off the top of their head. In Michigan the agent ID number always starts with 6-5-0-1. To make sure they are legitimate, you can check their number here!
- Protect your computer with a password. Theft comes in all forms nowadays. There are many ways that a person could use your computer to gain information about you! The easiest solution is to protect your information with a password.
- Keep mail and bills hidden away. Much in the same way that you should protect your computer from strangers, you should hide away mail and bills so they don’t have access to your account information.
- Consider security cameras. You may think that this will cost too much, but, you can protect yourself for low cost if not free, by using old cell phones you have around your house with a home security app, such as “Alfred.”
If you live in the Downriver area and you would like a free home safety evaluation call, text or e-mail me at any time!
Thank you!
Demian Allgeyer